A Fair to remember
Our Health and Resource Fair on May 20th was a great opportunity for our neighbors to receive some important and helpful information. We had 14 agencies attend and they provided STI testing, Information for assistance programs, job opportunities, mental health resources and more. We were happy to also have an arm and face painter along with a skate mobile provided by Parks and Planning. No one left hungry from the event as Mr. Greg McNair provided probably the best BBQ you have ever tasted!
We were happy to have so many volunteers help at the event, many of which were our neighborhood teens. We hope to have other events and or classes in the future, that will continue to help and support our neighbors with resources, programs, and health information.
Thanks to the attending agencies:
Councilman Eric Olson's office
Air Force
Revenue Authority PG County (Parking Permit)
Suicide Prevention
PGC Animal Management
Maryland Multicultural Youth Center (provided HIV tests)
Maryland Latinos Unidos
Community Crisis Services
Prince George's Community Conference Program
Greater Riverdale Thrives
Sarvis Cafe
SEED (Sowing Empowerment and Economic Development)
Thanks to our volunteers:
Kate Tsubata, Wanda Brooks, Willette Basil, Kay Rager, Michael Chodos, Henry Pineda, Christopher Viera, Rodrigo Castillo, Brandon Martinez, Brandyn Ramirez, Alexis Moreno, Serena Flippo, James Flippo, Edward Saravia, Maria Morales, Mateo Morales, Tsubata, Smith, and Lee families