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Clean-up Day a success

Some 40 residents came out on Saturday, May 4 to remove trash, tires and broken glass from the streets and public areas of our community. Trucks provided by the Prince George’s County Solid Waste division picked up the bags filled with trash. Tires were also piled up and picked up. Afterwards, professional caterer (and neighbor) Greg McNair grilled a veritable feast of burgers, hot dogs and other delicious foods, while Fulvia Guerra provided Shrimp Ceviche and Kate Tsubata provided baked macaroni and cheese. Chips and drinks were provided as well, and all the workers enjoyed a great meal together.

The County loaned safety vests, gloves, trash grabbing tools and the trucks to remove the bags of garbage. T-shirts were also provided to some volunteers. A follow-up celebration was held at Watkins Park, hosted by the county, for volunteers who could make it there. Many thanks to all those who helped make our community shine again!

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